IMX Accessibility FAQ
ACM IMX and SIGCHI are fully committed to Accessibility. Accessibility touches all aspects of a conference, from travelling to and back, site selection and budgeting to catering, social events and onsite logistics. The SIGACCESS Accessible Conference Guide ( is being followed to ensure IMX 2021 conference is as welcoming and accessible as possible, with particular attention being paid to making sure that all digital platforms that we use are accessible. This page provides more detailed information about Accessibility features and services being arranged and considered.
If any specific information is not provided, if any question is not answered in the FAQs page, or if the conference arrangements as described are not enough to allow you to attend and you have any further special request, please contact the Accessibility Chairs by emailing and we will work with you to the best of our ability to keep you informed, and improve the accessibility of the conference.
What are the expectations around inclusivity, diversity, and harassment at ACM IMX 2021? | As the organizers of IMX 2021, we are committed to providing an inclusive, safe, and respectful conference environment for all attendees. We’ll ask that all conference attendees respect diverse identities. Please, use their stated names and pronouns and please update your own profiles/display names in our conference digital platforms to display names and pronouns that you would like others to refer to you by. If you’re not sure how to carry this out then please email As an ACM conference, IMX and its organizers, speakers, and attendees are bound by and the ACM Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment, and the organizers fully endorse this policy. Our policy against discrimination and harassment* includes but is not limited to sexual harassment, use of ethnic slurs or derogatory terms relating to an individual’s gender or sexual orientation and threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts. The policy further describes the complaint procedures and remedial actions and policy applicability. This ACM policy supersedes any policy, supplemental guidelines or by-laws enacted or adopted by any ACM SIG or Chapter or any other ACM sub-unit concerning discrimination or harassment. * Please, have a look at the Diversity & Inclusion section of the website to check our commitment to a welcoming and safe environment. |
How do I communicate accessibility needs to IMX 2021 organisers? | The Accessibility Chair for IMX 2021 is Michael Crabb, whose goal is to ensure the conference is accessible to everyone. When you register for the conference, there will be a registration question labeled, “Do you have a disability or special need that impacts your access to ACM conferences, special interest groups, publications or digital resources?” When you answer ‘Yes’ to this question, a set of accommodation options will open up, such as sign language interpretation, or a guide. Please select any options that will help make the conference accessible to you. The accessibility chairs will follow up to discuss your needs in more detail. You can contact them directly at any time by emailing Please be aware that some accommodations may be difficult to provide at short notice, and we may not be able to accommodate every request. We are, however, working with our technology partners to try and achieve high levels of accessibility for all platforms used at the conference. |
Who do I ask if my question is not answered here? | If there is specific accessibility information you would like to see here, or if you wish to discuss any conference accessibility requirements, please contact our Accessibility Chair, Michael Crabb by email:, and someone will respond to you shortly. |
Will sign language interpretation or captioning be available? | The conference will provide a team of sign language interpreters or captioners if requested by any attendees during the early registration period. Please make your request as early as possible. Our Accessibility Chair will follow up with you to discuss your needs in more detail |
Can a student volunteer assist me during the conference? | Student volunteers will be available to assist attendees with disabilities with navigation, or other accessibility needs. If you will need volunteer assistance at the conference, please indicate this on your conference registration form. |
What digital platforms is the conference using and what will these be used for? | We are still working with our digital partners to confirm the platforms that will be used at IMX 2021 and how these will be accessible to others. Further information on this can be received about specific accessibility requirements by emailing |
Will papers and presentations be accessible? | Guidelines on preparing accessible PDFs and accessible presentations will be provided to the participants, which will be encouraged to follow them. We will be using the ACM’s new TAPs system to ensure that all final camera-ready submissions will be published as accessible PDF and responsive HTML formats and made available online in advance of the conference start date. Access to written material during the conference can be also given, under request. |
What digital platforms is the conference using and what will these be used for? | IMX2021 will be using ohyay as its conference platform. ASL will be provided for all conference keynotes and CART will be provided for all keynote, panel and paper sessions. Further information on this can be received about specific accessibility requirements by emailing |