The ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video (ACM TVX) this edition became the International Conference on Interactive Experience for Media (ACM IMX). The event is the leading international conference for presentation and discussion of research into online video and TV interaction and user experience. The conference brings together international researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, ranging from human-computer interaction, multimedia engineering and design to media studies, VR/AR Technologies, media psychology, and sociology.

In 2020, the seventh edition of ACM IMX / TVX will be held in Barcelona (Spain), June 17-19. Although it seems a young conference, it is indeed the continuation of the successful EuroITV conference editions, held since 2003 to 2013. In 2014, it became an ACM conference, opening new horizons outside Europe. The previous edition have been held in:

  • ACM TVX 2014: Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)
  • ACM TVX 2015: Brussels (Belgium)
  • ACM TVX 2016: Chicago (USA)
  • ACM TVX 2017: Hilversum (The Netherlands)
  • ACM TVX 2018: Seoul (South Korea)
  • ACM TVX 2019: Manchester (UK)

Year by year, the IMX / TVX community has become larger and stronger. Indeed, TVX 2020 has become Interactive Media eXperiences (IMX) from 2020 on, thus covering broaden topics not limited to the interactive TV and online video. This growth will also result in a larger and broaden audience participating in the conference, being Barcelona a perfect hub.

In this regard, companies and institutions have the unique opportunity to participate in the Sponsorship program to show their commitment to the community, get visibility and expand their networks and collaborators.

ACM IMX / TVX 2020 continues to offer new and exciting opportunities for sponsors. Benefits this year include publicity and professional development, as well as recruiting, networking and business development. 

For more detailed information about these and the many other advantages of sponsoring, please see the IMX / TVX 2020 Invitation to Sponsor or contact the General Chairs: Sergi Fernández (sergi.fernandez@i2cat.net), Mario Montagud (mario.montagud@i2cat.net) and Pablo Cesar (P.S.Cesar@cwi.nl).


Platinum (>=10000€)

  • Explicit mentioning of Platinum sponsor in the Call for Proposals, Call for Participation, etc. prior to the conference on various email reflectors world-wide.
  • Brief airtime during the opening of the conference
  • Option to be a named-sponsor of the conference banquet / social event
  • Unique promotional material to be included in the conference bag (if desired)
  • Free sponsor exhibition booth at the conference (during poster and demo sessions)
  • Sponsor logo on the conference bag and/or on USB stick providing the conference proceedings (in case we will have a USB stick)
  • Four Complementary full registrations for the conference including all social functions
  • Sponsor logo on the Web site
  • Sponsor logo on all print material (CfP, booklet, roll-up/ banner, etc.)
  • Explicit Recognition in the conference closing
  • All logos, mentions and spaces will be under Platinum level

Gold (>=5000€)

  • Explicit mentioning of sponsor in the Call for Proposals, Call for Participation, etc. prior to the conference on various email reflectors world-wide.ç
  • Option to be a named-sponsor of the conference banquet
  • Unique promotional material to be included in the conference bag (if desired)
  • Free sponsor exhibition booth at the conference (during poster and demo sessions)
  • Sponsor logo on the conference bag and/or on USB stick providing the conference proceedings (in case we will have a USB stick)
  • Two Complementary full registrations for the conference including all social functions
  • Sponsor logo on the Web site
  • Sponsor logo on all print material (CfP, booklet, roll-up/ banner, etc.)
  • Recognition in meeting opening and closing remarks.
  • All logos, mentions and spaces will be under Gold level.

Silver (>=2500€)

  • Explicit mentioning of Option to be named-sponsor of the reception or coffee breaks
  • Explicit mentioning by name during the event (opening speech, social functions, closing speech.
  • Promotional material (1-page flyer) to be put in the conference bag (if desired).
  • Complementary full registration for the conference including all social functions.
  • Sponsor logo on the Web site
  • Sponsor logo on all print material (CfP, booklet, roll-up/ banner, etc.)
  • All logos and mentions will be under Silver level

Bronze (>=1000€)

  • Sponsor logo on the Web site
  • Sponsor logo on all print material (CfP, booklet, roll-up/ banner, etc.)
  • All logos will be under Bronze level.

Additional Sponsoring Options and Opportunities

  • Banner, Posters, Flyers, Promo Materials, Products.
  • Booths – Silver and Bronze Sponsors can get discounts or advantages
  • Lunch – Sponsor one (or more) of the lunch break(s) buffet and have your logo displayed on the projection screen(s) during the lunch and the opportunity to set out swag on the tables, if desired.
  • Social Events or Entertainment (e.g. artistic performances).
  • Best paper and demo awards.
  • IMX / TVX in industry awards: award high-impact ideas and proposals.
  • Travel Grants for Students
  • Advertisement in program booklet
  • Contribute with equipment, material or assets (software, content, datasets…)
  • Academic collaborations