Please, contact the accessibility chairs if you have any particular doubt or request with the accessibility of the virtual conference.

Accessibility of the conference

In order to enhance the accessibility of the conference, the Organizing Committee will provide:

  • Advance access to the materials prior to the conference. This could be appropriate for someone who needs to have them converted into a different format (e.g. Braille) or needs additional time to read the materials in order to decide which sessions they would like to attend. If written materials would be needed, please contact the accessibility Chairs.
  • Accessible Proceedings – We will be using the ACM’s new TAPs system to ensure that all final camera-ready submissions will be published as accessible PDF and responsive HTML formats and made available online in advance of the conference start date. 
  • Guidelines on preparing accessible papers
  • Guidelines on preparing accessible presentations
  • Crew Volunteers to assist and guide the participants

When registering for the conference, the following accessibility features and services can be also requested:

  • Free full registration for a Personal Assistant attending the conference to aid a participant 
  • Special dietary requirements accommodated on request when registering the conference
  • Sign language interpreters, captioners or access services for blind or visually impaired attended (e.g., audio description), to make the conference sessions accessible.
  • Any other accessibility feature or service you would require (e.g., areas for guide dogs…).

The PCS system for papers submission has passed accessibility audits, showing that it follows the guidelines by W3C. In any case, if participants need guidance or more specific help for the submission of contributions and/or for registration to the conference, please contact us, and we will provide our help, while ensuring the double-blindness of the review process (assistants will not take part in the review process).

More information

More detailed information about Accessibility features and services can be found at the FAQs page.