Doctoral Consortium

The IMX 2022 Doctoral Consortium (‘the DC’) was a half-day, single-track event that provided an opportunity for 6 PhD students to present, explore, and develop their research interests, under the mentorship of 2 Doctoral Consortium Chairs and 3 invited Senior Researchers.

Overall IMX DC is aimed at:

• Providing a setting for students to discuss their research with distinguished researchers and doctoral students outside their own institution.

• Offering mentorship, individual feedback, and fresh perspectives about each students’ current research and suggest possibilities for future research directions.

• Promoting the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.

• Contributing to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events.

Each accepted submission was presented at the DC before the main conference, as a poster at the virtual conference platform, and at a madness pitch session during the main conference, enabling wider visibility of their work. The DC papers are already published in the adjunct proceedings of ACM IMX 2022. All DC students have received complimentary conference registration that includes free access to the conference program during the conference. 


Tiffany Marques (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Title: The Promotion of Empathy in Intelligent Assistants for iTV through Proactive

Abtract: The integration of intelligent assistants, in devices belonging to the television ecosystem, has simplified the accomplishment of more demanding tasks (such as content searches). However, these assistants are restricted to purely reactive behaviours and show a reduced human and empathic dimension in relation to the users. However, in other application domains, there has been an increasing integration of proactive behaviours, which can counteract these barriers and, consequently, improve the respective User Experience (UX). It is precisely in this context of proactivity that this research is designed. The goal is to contribute to the advancement of intelligent assistants in the interactive TV (iTV) domain, studying which proactive behaviours can be integrated in an intelligent assistant for iTV to promote its empathy, the associated UX and, consequently, its adoption in a more fluid and massive way.

Minghao Cai (University of Alberta, Canada)

Title: Modeling Cognitive Load and Affect in Interactive Game-based Learning Using Physiological Features

Abstract: Media use in educational environments has been rapidly developing with the increasing availability and diversity of interactive elements. By understanding how student cognitive load changes when interacting with learning technologies, we can make sense of their learning process and how to provide appropriate, personalized media design to enhance the learning experience. Recent developments in sensing technologies makes it possible to capture learner’s dynamic physiological reactions. In this thesis research, we will identify learner’s cognitive load when interacting with educational media. We will explore how affective reactions contribute to the modeling of cognitive load and how real-time cognitive load changes alongside learning activities. We focus on modeling such information using physiological reactions that include pupillary, cardiovascular, and electrodermal responses. We are conducting this work in a game-based learning (GBL) environment for reading comprehension. We have implemented a sensing pipeline that will enable the modelling of learner affect and cognitive load. The modeling and analysis from this project could enable the design of interactive learning media that provides real-time adaptation to support learning processes.

Razan Jaber (Stockholm University, Sweden)

Title: Augmenting Speech Agent with Gaze for Enhancing Interaction: By Drawing from Human-Human Interaction

Abstract: Speech technologies are increasing in popularity by offering new interaction modalities for users. Despite the prevalence of these devices and the rapid improvement of the underlying technology, there has been a slower improvement in interaction with them. Spoken interaction design centers around the use of a wake-word to initiate interaction and the transcription of the users’ spoken instructions to complete the task. However, in human-to-human conversation, speech is initiated by and supplemented with other modalities, such as gaze and gesture. My research focuses on the need to better understand how human-technology ‘conversations’ can be improved by borrowing from human-human interaction. Recent developments in gaze tracking present new opportunities for social computing. Therefore, Tama – a gaze-activated smart speaker, was designed to explore the use of gaze in conversational interaction. Tama uses gaze to indicate attention and intent to interact on behalf of the user and as feedback.

Yu Liu (Hochschule RheinMain, Germany)

Title: Human-Computer Interaction Patterns for Head-Mounted-Device-based Augmented Reality in the Exhibition Domain

Abstract: Head-mounted-device (HMD) based augmented reality (AR) applications bring new opportunities to the exhibition domain. However, first-time users such as exhibition visitors are not familiar with the interaction method of the HMD, which also brings challenges to exhibition authors while implementing HMD-based AR technologies. This research project focuses on the accessibility of HMD-based AR applications in the exhibition domain. It explores potential interaction patterns based on the technical features of the HMD for exhibition-related use cases. Both information system research and design research methods are applied while exploring interaction solutions for human factor challenges. Several prototypes will be created and iteratively tested and evaluated at the exhibition for generalizing effective and accessible interaction patterns. As a result, we will achieve a pattern-based interaction system as an artifact with integrated design knowledge. This will support the future development of AR authoring tools.

Kamil Koniuch (University of Science and Technology, Poland)

Title: Factors influencing video Quality of Experience: measurements and theoretical model

Abstract: Over the last decade, user subjective perception attracted interest in video quality studies. Researchers infer about the Quality of Experience (QoE) based on participants’ statements, behaviors, and psychophysiological reactions. This is because an objective evaluation of QoE is impossible due to its subjective nature. Thus, clear operationalization of variables in QoE studies is crucial. For that purpose theoretical background is necessary. Current descriptive models of QoE consist of many strongly correlated variables and omit the role of essential factors such as content. In my Ph.D., I investigate factors influencing QoE which are important from the perspective of the user. To be able to conclude about those multiple, complex variables I am working on a new video QoE model inspirited by Structural Causal Models. This model help to generate hypotheses and operationalize variables. It also could be used to design statistical analyses for complex datasets.

Sam Van Damme (Ghent University, Belgium)

Title: Enabling User-centric Assessment and Modelling of Immersiveness in Multimodal Multimedia Applications

Abstract: Multimodal, immersive systems are the latest development within the field of multimedia. These systems emulate the senses by means of omnidirectional visuals, 360° sound, motion tracking and touch simulation to create a feeling of presence in the virtual environment. They have the potential to substitute physical interactions in application domains such as training (Industry 4.0) or e-health (tele-surgery). However, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that they are not ready, as they still have room for improvement in terms of network streaming quality, usability and the users’ feeling of presence. In addition, these systems can induce feelings of dizziness, nausea etc. (i.e. cybersickness). These factors therefore have an important impact on the user’s total immersion. In this work, we therefore propose that immersiveness can be devised from measuring four aspects, namely: presence (i.e. the feeling of being “in” the environment), cybersickness, network related Quality-of-Experience (QoE) and the usability of the application. Therefore, a two-dimensional user-centric approach on the assessment and modelling of immersiveness is proposed. These dimensions include (i) subjective and objective assessment of presence, cybersickness, usability and QoE and (ii) real-time modelling of immersiveness. Furthermore, a proof-of-concept is envisioned including two use cases. As such, we believe that this position paper will significantly advance the state of the art on immersive systems and multimedia in general.

Senior Researchers

  • David Geerts (Mintlab, KU Leuven, Belgium).
  • Sylvia Rothe (Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München, Germany).
  • Jesús Gutiérrez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain).

DC Chairs

  • Wendy Van den Broeck (imec-smit, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium).
  • Teresa Chambel (LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal).