
Important Information:

Each workshop co-located with ACM IMX 2022 will have information about the specific platform that will be used. Please, visit their websites, or contact their organizers for detailed information.

The five workshops are:
LIQUE 2022 – Life Improvement in Quality by Ubiquitous Experiences.
SensoryX 2022 – Multisensory Experiences.
Emotion IMX2022 – Considering Emotions in Multimedia Experience.
Performances IMX2022 – Designing live performances of the future.
XRWALC 2022 – 1st Int. Workshop on Analytics, Learning & Collaboration in eXtended Reality.

LIQUE 2022 – Life Improvement in Quality by Ubiquitous Experiences

Workshop Website:

As Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) become more and more present everywhere, with every uses, in a ubiquitous way there is a growing interest in IMX systems designed for life quality improvements in all possible aspects.

This is specially relevant nowadays that we all are facing the challenge to keep the comfort related to the technological development and at same time respect the earth equilibrium and ecosystems’ maintenance in all aspects and levels.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on tools, services and applications enabling interactive experiences for quality of life improvement promoting the development of initiatives that aid on the global quest for new uses to promotes the diversity of interchanges. Interactive Media Experience (IMX) typically includes as many as possible users and digital developers inside the implementation technically. However, little is directed to the quality of life in all aspects that could affect such social/machine/environment interactions in current setting. At this moment, it is important to discuss the implications and possibilities related to them. This workshop proposed to be held together with ACM Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) 2022, aims to bring together practitioners and researchers to discuss the opportunities and challenges of Life Improvement in Quality by Ubiquitous Experiences.


  • Aura Conci, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil.
  • Anselmo Paiva, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Brazil.
  • Débora Muchaluat-Saade, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil.
  • Fátima L. S. Nunes Marques, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Monica Mendes, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Tiago Bonini Borchartt, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Brazil.

Duration: Half day

Format: Hybrid

Deadline: March 14, 2022 April 3, 2022

SensoryX 2022 – Multisensory Experiences

Workshop Website:

Multimedia applications have primarily engaged two of the human senses – aural and visual. With recent advances in computational technology, however it is possible to develop multisensory applications across all senses. Important findings from psychological and neuroscience research, as well as technological advances responsible for increased diversity of devices with higher computational power and communication capabilities, augmented by various sensor and display technologies have enabled targeting other human senses. Moreover, the state of the art for multisensory systems has been pushed forward with the evolution of Mixed Reality-related technologies that allowed several senses to be stimulated at the same time, presenting users with ‘real experiences’ designed in virtual worlds. This enables a more immersive, coherent, and credible experience, raising the level of presence. In this context, it becomes important to explore and understand how one can design effective multisensory experiences in a variety of domains (e.g., education, arts, entertainment, etc.) and how technology can be used to meaningfully stimulate these experiences. Moreover, it is essential to identify the challenges, opportunities and limitations to be overcome in the quest to transcend the overwhelmingly bisensorial nature of digital multimedia into a multisensory one – the realm of mulsemedia: multiple sensorial media. The aim of this workshop is to deepen the discussion on multisensory experience design as well as to inspire and support participants in designing multisensory interfaces and experiences.

This workshop will focus on enhancing the multisensory scope of both designers and developers of multimedia and Mixed Reality experiences who could thus harness the whole spectrum of sensory experiences. For this, the workshop will challenge current practices in designing experiences, will explore meaningful design spaces and will identify future research directions for creating experiences at the intersection of various sensory dimensions.


  • Alexandra Covaci, University of Kent, United Kingdom.
  • Estevao Bissoli Saleme, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil.
  • Céline Jost, Paris 8 University, France.
  • Joel dos Santos, Cefet/RJ, Brazil.
  • Gheorghita Ghinea, Brunel University London, United Kingdom.

Duration: Half day

Format: Hybrid

Deadline: March 18, 2022 April 3, 2022

Emotion IMX2022 – Considering Emotions in Multimedia Experience

Workshop Website:

Emotions are fundamental to human experience, as they impact cognition, perception, and daily tasks (e.g., communication). The Emotion IMX workshop aims to bring together researchers and industries from various fields (including, but not limited to, computer science, design, and cognitive science) to discuss challenges in considering affects and emotions for interactive and media experiences (i.e., to assess and/or improve these experiences) from an interdisciplinary perspective. More specifically, we propose to address the following questions:

  • Why study emotions? For which applications?
  • How to categorise, describe, analyse, quantify, represent emotions?
  • How to take into account emotions in the design and evaluation phases of multimedia experiences?
  • What are the recent advances in automated emotion recognition? What are the challenges in their evaluation?
  • What are the different ways of dealing with emotions in interactive media experiences?
  • What are the existing and future challenges? What are the limitations?


  • Lucie Lévêque, Université de Nantes, France.
  • Matthieu Perreira Da Silva, Université de Nantes, France.
  • Patrick Le Callet, Université de Nantes, France.
  • Frédérique Krupa, École de design Nantes Atlantique, France.

Duration: Half day

Format: Hybrid

Deadline: March 4, 2022 March 16, 2022 April 1, 2022

Performances IMX2022 – Designing live performances of the future

Workshop Website:

For thousands of years, live performances have been an essential part of human culture. Whether it is music, dance, theatre, opera, spoken word poetry or puppetry, live performances have always been a popular source of entertainment for people of all ages and backgrounds, However, nowadays live performances are at a very pivotal and uncertain moment of their story. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, artists and audiences alike are fearful that they may not be able to enjoy performances in the same ways they used to. Despite this, the pandemic also demonstrated to artists and audiences everywhere, that there are new alternative ways to experience performances. Artists started to experiment with streaming performances as a way to bridge the gap between physical events and online participation. Even artists who didn’t use technology before as part of their work, are now leveraging its ability to let them connect with more people, and reach wider audiences. Moreover, recently, technologies that used to be only available for a niche market (such as AI, VR, AR) are now becoming more accessible and user friendly. Developing for and with such technologies is also becoming easier and more accessible for non-technology experts. This creates an opportunity for exploration as to what these types of technologies can do for the future of performance. This workshop aims to start a conversation as to what the performances of the future might look like by inviting both researchers and practitioners to present their work in this domain. It will explore the interception of technology and performance, with a focus on how technology might be leveraged to enhance performances and the process of developing performances, provide new ways to reach and interact with audiences, as well as how it can create new ways of performing.


  • Sophia Ppali, University of the Arts London and University of Kent, United Kingdom.
  • Vali Lalioti, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom.
  • Alexandra Covaci, University of Kent, United Kingdom.
  • Boyd Branch, Coventry University, United Kingdom.
  • Bea Wohl, University of the Arts London, United Kingdom.
  • Alex Kane, VOLTA, United Kingdom.

Duration: Full day

Format: Online

Deadline: March 18, 2022 April 8, 2022

XRWALC 2022 – 1st Int. Workshop on Analytics, Learning & Collaboration in eXtended Reality

Workshop Website:

XR, extended or cross reality, technology is gaining relevance in many professional domains, and is used and experimented with for the sake of manifold purposes. The XRWALC workshop at ACM IMX 2022 is aiming to explore the latest advancements with a focus on three particular application aspects:

  • Remote analytics: inspect and interact with remote systems, explore and analyze data within immersive XR environments.
  • Immersive learning: exploit the advantages of safe and affordable learning environments that allow to simulate, try out, experience, learn and train.
  • Collaboration in XR: approaches to design and enable group collaboration.

To apply for participation, please submit extended abstracts that can be short summaries of research advancements or studies, novel concepts and approaches, descriptions of demonstrations, or descriptions of practical problems and research questions which the authors seek to discuss.


  • Rene Kaiser, Know-Center, Austria.
  • Anasol Peña-Rios, BT Research Labs in Adastral Park, Ipswich, UK.
  • Heather Elizabeth Dodds, Dodds Consulting, NY, USA.
  • Johanna Pirker, Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at TU Graz, Austria.
  • Teresa Chambel, LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
  • Christian Gütl, Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science at TU Graz, Austria.
  • Krzysztof Pietroszek, Institute for Immersive Designs, Experiences, Applications and Stories at American University in Washington DC, USA.

Duration: Full day

Format: Hybrid

Deadline: March 16, 2022 March 29, 2022 April 12, 2022