Calls for Contributions

There are many tracks to participate in IMX 2023 with different submission deadlines associated with the tracks. We aim to update information on how to participate as an author as time passes.

  • Workshops: Curated. Workshop proposals are quite light weight. We are looking for interesting ways to bring the IMX community together to work on a topical research problem space or a way to focus on a technical research through presentations and keynotes or in a whole new way you propose.
  • Associate Chairs (ACs): This year will be a combination of an open call and invitations to find a set of associate chairs who will work closely with our technical program chairs to find reviewers for the paper track. IMX aims to have a set of diverse ACs who can help make the conference as inclusive as possible.
  • Papers: Formally Reviewed. Double-Blind Review Process + Rebuttal. The paper track is our most rigorous reviewed way to publish novel research findings, evidence based opinion pieces or other complete pieces of work.
  • Demos: Curated. Demos are the perfect way to introduce, to the community, your work on media applications, prototypes, and proof-of-concepts of technologies like emerging media, interactive TV experiences, VR/AR/MR experiences. It is also a way to showcase how interactive media (and art) impact lives.
  • Work-in-Progress: Juried. The work-in-progress track is a short paper form to publish works that are not complete. Authors might choose to use this as an opportunity to get feedback at the mid-point of a project or publish research findings that require more polish.
  • Industry: Curated. IMX will continue its’ tradition of melding the worlds of academia and industry to bring about that special confluence of thinking to our attendees.
  • Doctoral Consortium: Curated. The doctoral symposium is aimed for people preparing PhDs (or other doctoral degrees) that are relevant to the themes of IMX.