
ACM IMX 2023 will be held in Nantes, France, from June 12 to 15.

Important information:

Each workshop co-located with ACM IMX 2023 will have information about the specific platform that will be used.
Please, visit their websites, or contact their organizers for detailed information.

Care IMX – Future Immersive Healthcare Experience in Medical and Home Settings.
Dancing with Technology – Towards a Choreography of Blended Experiences.
LIQUE 2023 – 3rd Workshop on Life Improvement in Quality by Uquitous Experiences.
SensoryX 2023 – Multisensory Experiences.
VAMEXP – Visual Attention in Multimedia Experience.
WICED x Cinemotions – Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, and Emotions in Movies.

Care IMX – Future Immersive Healthcare Experience in Medical and Home Settings

Workshop Website:

The rising accessibility of immersive media technologies opens the opportunity to use them easily in in-hospital and home environments for healthcare. The possibility to completely immerse users or patients in virtual environments, or to augment their surroundings, while tracking their movements and physiological reactions, provide new ways to induce or analyze user experiences. In the healthcare context, immersive media give new opportunities for diagnosis through the study of patient behaviors in controlled environments, as well as rehabilitation, by enabling patients to train in specific and personalized controlled tasks. In an at-home context, immersive media give opportunities to monitor and train mental and physical skills in order to improve users’ health and/or well-being. Care IMX will bring together interdisciplinary medical, technological and social science researchers.


    • Jieun Han, Hanyang University, South Korea
    • Mohamed Zied Kefi, Nantes University, France
    • Roman Malo, Nantes University, France
    • Gyu Hyun Kwon, Hanyang University, South Korea
    • Yannick Prié, Nantes University, France

Deadline: March 20, 2023 Extended! April 10, 2023
Workshop: June 12, 2023 (afternoon)

Dancing with Technology – Towards a Choreography of Blended Experiences

Workshop Website:

Interaction between, across, and through digital technologies integrated into everyday activities can be stilted, clumsy, awkward, and hard to navigate, much like a complicated dance performance. What does it take to choreograph these experiences so that they seamfully blend digital and physical space to make complex interactions as easy and graceful as dancing with an experienced ballroom dancer? When designing complex interactions in these environments, there is a tendency to lean toward a linear causal understanding of experience. This workshop urges us to consider experience as a dance with technology.


    • Brian O’Keefe, State University of New York, USA
    • Tom Flint, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
    • Miriam Sturdee, University of Andrews, UK
    • Andrea Resmini, Halmstad University, Sweden
    • Anna Carter, Swansea University, UK
    • Mike Mastermaker, State University of New York, USA
    • Andrea Chirico, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Deadline: March 20, 2023 Extended! April 30, 2023 
Workshop: June 12, 2023 (all day)

LIQUE 2023 – 3rd Workshop on Life Improvement in Quality by Ubiquitous Experiences

Workshop Website:

The LIQUE workshop focuses on immersive experiences for quality of life improvement promoting initiatives that can go beyond entertainment on the global quest for new interactive media uses in a diverse environment. As Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) become more and more present everywhere, with a breadth of uses, in a pervasive, universal and predominant way (or in a unique word: ubiquitous) there is a growing interest in IMX systems designed for life quality improvements in all possible aspects. This is specially relevant nowadays that we all are facing the challenge to keep the comfort related to technological development and at the same time respect the earth equilibrium and ecosystems’ maintenance in all levels.


    • Anselmo C. Paiva, UFMA, Brazil
    • Aura Conci, UFF, Brazil
    • Débora C. Muchaluat-Saade, UFF, Brazil
    • Fátima L. S. Nunes Marques, USP, Brazil
    • Monica Mendes, FBAUL, Lisbon
    • Tiago Bonini Borchartt, UFMA – Brazil

Deadline: March 20, 2023 Extended! April 12, 2023
Workshop: June 12, 2023 (afternoon)

SensoryX 2023 – Multisensory Experiences

Workshop Website:

Multimedia applications have primarily engaged two of the human senses – aural and visual. With recent advances in computational technology, it is however possible to develop multisensory applications across all senses. Important findings from psychological and neuroscience research, as well as technological advances responsible for increased diversity of devices with higher computational power and communication… SensoryX will offer an interdisciplinary forum of discussion for both academics and practitioners interested in research on multisensory interaction in the aim of improving user experiences through sensory effects. More particularly, the aim of this workshop is also to deepen the discussion on multisensory experience taking into account common questions from mulsemedia communities and French working group.


    • Céline Jost, University Paris 8, France
    • Débora Christina Muchaluat Saade, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
    • George Ghinea, Brunel University London, UK

Deadline: March 20, 2023 Extended! April 3, 2023
Workshop: June 12, 2023 (all day)

VAMEXP – Visual Attention in Multimedia Experience

Workshop Website:

Visual attention is one of the fundamental mechanisms of human perception. It guides our understanding of the visualized scene and thus strongly impacts the human experience. The Visual Attention IMX workshop aims to bring together researchers and industries in order to discuss the challenges of taking visual attention into account for the analysis and the understanding of human behavior for different applications ranging from the quality of user experience, medical and industry applications.


    • Aladine Chetouani, University of Orleans, France
    • Lu Zhang, INSA Rennes, France
    • Jing Li, Alibaba Group, China

Deadline: March 20, 2023 Extended! April 4, 2023
Workshop: June 15, 2023 (morning)

WICED x Cinemotions – Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing, and Emotions in Movies

Workshop Website:

The Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing (WICED) and Workshop on Emotions in Movies (Cinemotions) will be joining hands this year to share our collective passion for research into film and moving images!  We hope to present a combined programme that appeals to both communities, presenting the latest developments in each field and starting new conversations between the two fields’ practitioners.


    • Hui-Yin Wu, Centre Inria d’Université Côte d’Azur, France
    • Stephen Jolly, BBC R&D, United Kingdom
    • Alexandre Bruckert, Nantes Université, France
    • Lucie Lévêque, Nantes Université, France

Deadline: March 20, 2023 Extended! April 7, 2023
Workshop: June 12, 2023 (all day)