ACM IMX is the leading international conference for presentation and discussion of research into interactive media experiences. The conference brings together international researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, ranging from human-computer interaction, multimedia engineering and design to media studies, media psychology and sociology.
ACM IMX 2023 will be based in Nantes, France in June.
See all our past conferences or apply to host IMX2024 or beyond.
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ACM IMX is the evolution of the EuroITV conference on Interactive TV and ACM TVX, and as such is the main conference for research in this rapidly growing field. The incorporation of IMX under the ACM banner, and its sponsorship by SIGCHI (ACM special interest group in computer-human interaction), in cooperation with SIGMM and SIGWEB, has extended the international reach and significance of the event. If it is of interest, recently, we contributed to a write up of the evolution of IMX within the context of SIGCHI conferences.
The conference is now the leading international forum for the presentation and discussion of latest research in all areas related to the architecture, design, implementation, application and evaluation of the interactive & immersive user experience both online and broadcast!
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