

Calls for Participation:

Important Information:

  • Each workshop co-located with ACM IMX 2024.
  • Please, visit their websites, or contact their organizers for detailed information.

Note: Submissions to the following three workshops will be subject to peer review, and accepted papers published in ACM ICPS. 

IMX in Latin America - 2nd International Workshop

The 2nd edition of the IMX in Latin America Workshop (IMX-LATAM) will happen together with ACM IMX 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden, in June 2024. A core objective of IMX-LATAM 2024 is to increase diversity and broaden the IMX community, in particular, to gather colleagues from Latin America to attend the conference.

The Latin American research community has been very active in topics such as interactive media experiences (IMX), mulsemedia, usability, user experience evaluation of IMX, under different service modalities, such as Terrestrial Digital TV, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems (IBB), Over-the-top services (OTT), video quality metrics, interactive robots and beyond. The workshop will be particularly organized for attracting Latin American experts to the ACM IMX conference, given their common interests in the interactive multimedia area and their connections with researchers from other regions, including some already participating in SIGCHI and SIGMM communities. It is expected that the workshop will bring a program that includes presentations of research papers, position papers and invited speakers.


Papers should be submitted through the Easy Chair submission system (  in the form of a maximum 3,000 words using the New SIGCHI Proceedings Format ( Paper submissions should not be anonymised, and should include name, affiliation, and contact information of all authors. The paper word count limit refers to all parts of the document, except for the following:

  • The ACM copyright block (found only in the LaTeX template);
  • The contents of the section “ACM Reference Format” (found only in the LaTeX template);
  • Text included in tables, figures and their captions;
  • The reference list; and
  • Authors Info.

Please ensure that you use the right templates available from the ACM (; a single column format must be used for the reviewing phase. Word authors should use the single column Word Submission Format. In the LaTeX format, use \documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart}. Use of different templates or formats may result in a desk reject.

We highly encourage authors to prepare accessible submissions. Please check out this guide ( to get more information on how to make your submissions more accessible. If you have any questions, please contact our accessibility chairs at

The Workshop proceedings will be published at ACM DL.


Text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM) (, such as ChatGPT, must be clearly marked in places where such tools are used for purposes beyond editing the author’s own text. While we will not be using tools to detect LLM-generated text, we will investigate submissions brought to our attention and will desk-reject papers where LLM use is not clearly marked. We encourage prospective authors to carefully  read the SIGCHI blog post on the topic (

Review Process

Your submissions will be reviewed in a single-blind manner based on originality, creativity, impact, relevance to the topics of IMX LATAM and the quality of presentation. The review process will select papers with the potential to spark discussions and interactions at the workshop.

IMX LATAM General Chairs

  • Débora Christina Muchaluat Saade – Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Brazil
  • Jesús Favela, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Baja California, Mexico
  • Mylène Farias, University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, and Texas State University, USA

Format: Full-Day Hybrid workshop, June 12th 2024

ACM SIGCHI Travel Grants

IMX-LATAM 2024 is a SIGCHI sponsored event, promoting  impact in the comprehensiveness and diversity of the ACM IMX community. The SIGCHI Development Fund provides resources for the SIGCHI community to spur communication, innovation, and expansion of HCI. Accepted paper presenters are eligible to receive reimbursements from ACM SIGCHI Development Fund for travel and accommodation (up to US$ 1500).

Important dates:

For more information contact: Débora Christina Muchaluat Saade –

Interaction and Storytelling with(in) Immersive Media (ISIM)

New Avenues for Increased Engagement

The future of media experiences poses a series of thrilling challenges, but the appearance of novel technologies, formats and mediums brings a new wave of opportunities to reimagine content (co-)creation, hybridization, distribution, interaction and engagement possibilities.

While opportunities are endless, the 1st edition of “Interaction and Storytelling with(in) Immersive Media (ISIM)” Workshop aims to explore and discuss the potential and implications of integrating emerging immersive media technologies and formats (e.g., Point Clouds, light field, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), 3D Gaussian Splatting, multi-sensory stimuli…), potentially assisted with Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, to enable new avenues for evocative consumption experiences and increased engagement. In particular, the primary focus will be on exploring and ideating new interaction and storytelling possibilities with and within immersive media environments, so as to maximize the potential benefits and revenues. Under the umbrella of cross-fertilization actions between key EU projects in this area, ISIM aims at bringing together worldwide enthusiastic academia and industry players, as well as end users and stakeholders, to discuss ideas, challenges, and opportunities in this domain, with a key focus on the added value to the consumers, and thus indirectly to industry players in this domain (content creators, content service providers, manufacturers, technologists…).

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Content (co-)creation tools
  • Content format optimization techniques
  • Content production tools
  • Content blending strategies
  • Content sharing, search, and discovery (by e.g. using online repositories)
  • AI-assisted content creation and processing• Haptics
  • Multimodal interaction with(in) immersive media
  • Orchestration and adaptation to target consumption platforms and devices
  • End-to-end workflows
  • Storytelling approaches
  • Accessibility and inclusivity
  • Scenarios and use cases
  • Deployment and adoptability implications and barriers
  • Evaluation methodologies
  • Standardization activities within such topics
  • New provoking ideas and visions
  • Market opportunities and business models

Type(s) of submissions/contributions that will be solicited

  • Long papers (4-6 pages, excluding references). Oral presentation (15min).
  • Short papers (2-3 pages, excluding references). Oral presentation (8min).
  • Demos will be welcome, and must be accompanied with a paper submission.

Templates: New SIGCHI Proceedings Format at

Accepted papers will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library as part of their ICPS series proceedings

Submission URL: To be provided soon

Selected contributions will be invited for publication at a Special Collection / Issue of a relevant journal. 


  • Mario Montagud (University of Valencia, i2CAT Foundation)
  • Sergi Fernández (i2CAT)
  • Niall Murray (Technological University of the Shannon)
  • Yu Xiao (Aalto University)
  • Fiona Rivera (BBC)
  • Francisco Ibánez (Brainstorm)
  • Pablo Cesar (CWI, TU Delft)

Format: Full-Day On-site workshop, June 12th 2024

Submission dates (provisional):

  • Paper submission by 18th April 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance by 23rd April 2024
  • Camera ready submission by 30th April 2024
  • Submission System Link:

For more information contact: Mario Montagud – or Niall Murray –

1st International Workshop on Video for Immersive Experiences


The aim of the Video4IMX workshop will be to address the increasing importance and relevance of classical (linear 2D), interactive (non-linear), 360 and volumetric video assets in the creation of immersive experiences. Richly granular and semantically expressive descriptive metadata about these assets is necessary for tools to facilitate their discovery, adaptation and re-use. This is needed if those assets are to form a part of immersive content experiences, both in automated ways (e.g. automated insertion of journalist’s video recordings inside an immersive experience for a breaking news story) and semi-automated (e.g. creatives can search for and re-use, re-mix or summarise videos as part of a theatrical or cultural immersive experience).

The workshop will solicit the latest research and development in all areas around the creation and management of descriptive metadata for video (particularly as used for integration into immersive experiences) as well as approaches to adapt or convert video according to its purpose and use in that immersive experience. It aims to support the growth of a community of researchers and practitioners interested in creating an ecosystem of tools, specifications and best practices for metadata extraction from video as well as video discovery, adaptation, summarization or conversion, especially in the context of video use in immersive experiences.

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Extraction and modelling of descriptive metadata about traditional 2D video, as well as 360 and volumetric video (decomposition, semantic representation, categorization, annotation, emotion/mood etc.).
  • Use of common schema and vocabularies (incl. Linked Data) for descriptive metadata models that are also supported by tools for metadata storage and query, browsing engines for video discovery and creation tools for the insertion of video into immersive environments.
  • Tools and algorithms for the adaptation, summarisation or remixing of any type of video assets (classical, interactive, 360, volumetric)
  • Generative AI or equivalent for converting from a video input to immersive content (3d objects, 3d scenes)
  • Examples and use cases for usage of video (esp. 360 or volumetric) or immersive content generated from video in immersive experiences
  • Evaluations of user experience with video (esp. 360 or volumetric) or immersive content generated from video as part of an immersive experience

Submission dates (provisional):

  • Paper submission by 3 April 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance by 17 April 2024
  • Camera ready submission by 28 April 2024
  • Submission System Link TBA
  • Lyndon Nixon, MODUL Technology GmbH, Austria. 
  • Vasileios Mezaris, CERTH-ITI, Greece.
  • Stefanos Vrochidis, CERTH-ITI, Greece.

Format: Half-Day hybrid workshop, June 12th 2024

For more information contact: Lyndon Nixon – 

Workshop Website:

Workshops Note

Submissions to the following three workshops will be reviewed by the workshop organizers but will NOT be considered for inclusion in ACM ICPS.

Designing Meaningful Social XR

Social extended reality has become an interesting addition to the realm of immersive experiences. Social extended reality (XR) refers to the use of XR technology to enable social interactions in virtual or physical environments. For audiences, social XR may present a novel form of collective entertainment, but it can also serve as a mediated platform for meaningful and purposeful social gatherings. For creators and event organizers, VR projects designed for multiple participants offer a potentially lucrative avenue—shifting from individual users to accommodating groups simultaneously.

The latest VR technology allows groups of users to engage in social narrative experiences concurrently. Notable instances of social extended reality in location-based entertainment include the immersive virtual concert The Saga of Sage by WeMakeVR, debuting at the 2023 Amsterdam Dance Event, and Studio Wildvreemd’s Smartphone Orchestra2 sessions showcased at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), among other venues. During a Smartphone Orchestra session, participants use their smartphones to rate statements about each other in a dynamic group setting, fostering a distinct sense of connection and togetherness. Similar experiences are the DUST (by Andrej Boleslavsky and Mária Júdová) and Cosmogony (by Gilles Jobin).

Okawari VR (by Landia Egal and Amaury Laburthe) also brings together audiences by addressing their senses, while – probably the most famous example – is The Void3 that offered a story-heavy experience for the participants in an exceptionally entertaining manner. Various performative or theatrical social VR productions have also shown how they can create powerful temporal communities (e.g. Finding Pandora X directed by Kiira Benzing).

However, despite the eagerness of audiences to explore social story-based experiences, producers often grapple with the challenge of developing compelling storylines. How can they transcend the obvious narratives, often derived from classic video game storytelling, that center on lost or endangered worlds and the participants’ responsibility

to prevent catastrophe by completing specific tasks? Another challenge lies in designing social XR experiences that not only captivate and entertain but also generate positive effects by intentionally fostering human connection, collaboration, empathy and/or togetherness. Which design mechanics could facilitate the creation of such experiences?


We invite participants to propose a case study or a research project that they would want to present during the workshop, in maximum 350 words. Video’s or links to websites that offer a clear impression of the proposed work are also accepted. 

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • online or offline multiplayer games
  • roleplaying games
  • location-based experiences
  • transmedia interactive theatre
  • meaning making online rituals of ceremonial magic
  • therapeutic online events
  • and other kinds of immersive social experiences

Researchers who have conducted a study in this specific field are also invited to share insights they have gathered. Participants who do not want to send in a case study or research project but still would like to attend the presentations and take part in the discussion, are very welcome to register as well.


  • Mirjam Vosmeer, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
  • Ágnes Karolina Bakk, University of Art and Design, Hungary

Submission dates (provisional):

  • Deadline for workshop participant contributions: March 24th, 2024
  • Notifying participants of acceptance: April 7th, 2024
  • Deadline for camera-ready submissions from participants: April 30th, 2024
  • Submission System Link

Format: Half-Day hybrid  workshop, June 12th 2024

For more information contact: Mirjam Vosmeer –

Workshop Website:

Conversational Interaction in Extended and Virtual Reality

We are happy to invite submissions to the first CUI@IMX workshop, exploring the challenges and opportunities of combining conversational user interfaces with extended and virtual reality. This workshop aims to connect those with an interest in this area with the concrete goal of enabling fruitful and long-lasting collaborations. As a starting point, this workshop will aim to be the incubation ground for new Provocations track papers submitted to the ACM Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) conference in 2024.

Main Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: (a) best practices and overlapping lessons learned from deploying conversational agents in and out of XR/VR; (b) design of conversational agents with access to XR/VR environmental knowledge; (c) methodology and integration of conversational systems within XR/VR; (d) evaluation studies and practices (whether “in the wild” or in the lab); (e)adaptive or grounded conversational interaction; (f) ethical and legal challenges of conversational agents within XR/VR.

Submission Information

We seek position papers that are 3 to 6 pages long, including figures, but excluding references. Submissions longer than six pages of content excluding references will be desk rejected and not Reviewed. All papers for the conference must be submitted in the same format as IMX papers. As such they should be submitted in PDF format and conform to ACM Proceedings specifications. Please note that we are following the general ACM SIG format (“sigconf”, double column format), not the SIGCHI format. Templates are available at this link (US letter). In addition, ACM has partnered with Overleaf, where you can start writing using this link directly (note that this Overleaf document uses the new ACM workflow by default, which is not what HRI is using; to fix this, make sure the document uses the “sigconf” document class, rather than the “manuscript,screen,review” document class that is enabled in the Overleaf document by default). Admittance to the workshop will be based on the overall quality, novelty, and relevance of the submission, and the organizers’ goals of bringing together a set of presenters that can represent the diverse and multidisciplinary facets of philosophy, design, and engineering required for the design of CUIs for and with XR and VR. We will pay particular attention to under-served regions or universities. Papers should be submitted via EasyChair by May 12th. At least one author of each accepted paper must register to the IMX conference (including or only workshop registration) and attend the workshop.


Accepted papers will be posted to the workshop website ahead of workshop date and serve as the basis of presentations and discussion at the workshop.


  • Donald McMillan, Stockholm University , Stockholm, Sweden
  • Razan Jaber, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Minha Lee, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Benjamin R. Cowan, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
  • Joel Fischer, Mixed Reality Laboratory, University of Nottingham

Submission dates (provisional):

  • Paper submission: TBA
  • Notification of Acceptance: TBA
  • Camera ready submission: TBA
  • Submission System Link: TBA

Format: Half-Day in-person  workshop, June 12th 2024

For more information contact: Donald McMillan –

Workshop Website:

Multi-User Interaction, Multi-sensory Experiences, and

Ethical Considerations in XR

We invite submissions from professionals, researchers, designers, artists, and XR advocates across diverse disciplines intersecting with XR/VR. This workshop aims to bring together individuals who share an interest in this domain with the explicit objective of fostering meaningful discussion and enduring collaborations.

Whether you are delving into the technical aspects or exploring ethical considerations, your contribution is essential in influencing the future trajectory of XR. The goals of the workshop are:

  • Gain insights into existing XR applications and scenarios.
  • Collaboratively generate and explore multi-sensory XR scenarios.
  • Explore ethical implications in designing future XR experiences.

Main Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  • XR interaction, experiences, and techniques for more than one user.
  • Multi-sensory XR experiences.
  • Ethical considerations for designing for and interaction in XR environments.
  • XR and haptic feedback innovations.
  • Indoor and outdoor XR exploration.

Submission Information

We seek position papers that are 3 to 6 pages long, including figures, but excluding references. Submissions longer than six pages of content excluding references will be desk rejected and not reviewed.

All papers for the conference must be submitted using the NEW SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format. Templates are provided to authors in this format for both Microsoft Word and LaTeX (inc. Overleaf).

Admittance to the workshop will be based on the overall quality, novelty, and relevance of the submission. The organizers aim to assemble a group of presenters who can effectively represent diverse and multidisciplinary aspects, with specific goals:

  • Learning from ongoing research and examining the possibilities of multi-sensory experiences utilizing haptic feedback within both indoor and outdoor extended reality contexts.
  • Gaining insights into the correlation between the utilization of extended reality technologies and societal needs in terms of ethics, security, trustworthiness, and inclusivity, focusing on a society-centric perspective.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the IMX conference (including or only workshop registration) and attend the workshop.


  • Asreen Rostami, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden & Stockholm University,
  • Andrii Matviienko, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Submission dates (provisional):

Format: Half-Day in-person  workshop, June 12th 2024

For more information contact: Asreen Rostami –

Workshop Website: