Call for Industry Talks & Exhibitions

Call for Industry Talks & Exhibitions

Important Information:

  • Submission Deadline: 25th March 5th April
  • Decision Notification: 22nd April
  • Camera Ready Submission: 13th May

Selection: Curated

Format & Timing: Industry Talks: 10 minutes (+ 5 minutes for questions & interaction) & Demo. 

Please submit your workshop proposal to the Industry Chairs at:

Industry at IMX 2024

We are looking for stand-out industry viewpoints which will help to attract attention, provoke discussion, networking and collaboration amongst conference delegates throughout the day. We are also offering space for exhibitions/demos, which will further expand the interaction and networking possibilities. With these initiatives, we would like to showcase significant advances in research and development, technologies and real-world experiences that have industrial applicability. Contributions concerning business cases, marketing and market insights, case studies, best practices and lessons learned are also welcome. We welcome interesting contributions (presentations and/or demo/exhibition proposals) on all relevant topics covered by IMX, and provide the following non-exhaustive list for inspiration:

This topic focuses on advances in audience engagement with media content as a rapidly evolving activity across diverse platforms, devices, and timeframes. It welcomes contributions that seek to understand audiences using a rich variety of analytic approaches including sensing audiences, sentiment analysis, and measuring and monitoring quality of experience. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, consumption trends and behaviors in young audiences, sharing practices and communication strategies, identifying engagement patterns across diverse genres, platforms and demographics, scheduled versus on-demand content consumption, binge viewing, and multi-platform engagement.

This topic is suitable for papers where the primary contribution is the introduction of novel ways of experiencing interactive media content. This includes new forms of media content (e.g. VR, AR, MR, XR, 360°, live-streaming etc.) consumed in diverse ways including across multiple screens, platforms, and in immersive theatres. Application areas include entertainment and information including interactive and generative documentaries, transmedia storytelling, volumetric filmmaking, live performance broadcasts and object-based media productions. Papers in other application areas, such as education, healthcare, wellbeing and governance and decision-making, are also welcome.

This topic focuses on technologies, systems, and interfaces that improve and advance our interactions with media content online, at home, or on the move. It encourages submissions describing technical advancements in streaming systems, content synchronization for multi-platform delivery, and recommendation and companion apps. Additional areas for consideration include games engines for content delivery, location-based and context-aware applications and services and object-based media.

This topic solicits papers describing procedural advances in the preparation, design, and development of media experiences. Areas of interest include new production processes for TV, online video, VR, AR, XR, and 360° formats. Novel tools and workflows using motion capture, volumetric capture and animation are encouraged, as are the presentations of innovative authoring and data-driven tools for interactive or multi-platform content development. In addition to papers describing technical innovations, this topic area is also interested in innovations originating from design and humanities perspectives detailing the authoring process for writing interactive content and the human-centered design methods used to realize these narratives.

This topic focuses on the use of machine learning and/or artificial intelligence techniques to capture, generate, or understand social media experiences and includes areas such as verification and verification scamming, information diffusion, monitoring media bias, misinformation and fake news, predictability of real-world events, and crowd-sourcing and collective intelligence in rich media systems.

This topic focuses on the new business, marketing, purchasing, subscription, and monetising strategies encountered in the new media landscape of TV and online video. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, targeted advertisements, freemium products, programmatic media buying, in-programme recommendations and purchases, exploiting consumption data, monetising second screen experiences, and social media influencer strategies.

The impact of the new interactive media and TV landscape on culture and society is powerful and raises many important and challenging topics for consideration. This area welcomes papers from a wide variety of theoretical and analytical perspectives examining structured reality TV, social media manipulation and targeting, media convergence and platform monopolies, intellectual property, remix culture, fan culture, media activism and participation politics, or tactical media practices. In addition, research concerning media violence, social media addiction, or issues of bias and ethics would also be appropriate for this topic.

This topic focuses on disruptive media practices that seek to challenge traditional media consumption patterns and expand spectator experiences. Authors are invited to describe the design, development of (and response to) constructed video-centric work, or speculate about future-oriented media provocations.

Format for Industry Talk or Exhibition Proposals

Your proposals for the IMX-in-Industry track must be submitted in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, with an extension of around 10 slides long and formatted using the IMX-in-Industry submission template available at our website. Please stick to the formatting provided in the template in order to allow us to evaluate your proposal in a fair manner. Submissions are not anonymous and should include authors’ names, affiliations, and contact information. Please include the following information:

For Industry Talks:  

  1. Title page
  2. Company Introduction
  3. The Problem and/or Opportunity & Current Solutions (define the real problem/need you’re solving, and for who), the topic you are addressing
  4. The Challenge (practical issues associated with your relevant topic)
  5. Product/Service (what you did, what you offer or plan to offer)
  6. Impact & What’s next: what it means, the potential impact, how others might use the findings, implications for practice, next steps.

For Industry Exhibitions:

  1. Company Name
  2. Brief Description
  3. What dissemination material will be provided
  4. What exhibitions or demos will be showcased, highlighting the novel aspects and impact in industry
  5. The demo requirements (electricity power, cables space, tables and chairs, poster board, screens…).
  6. Any further information the applicant feels relevant.

We encourage, but do not require, authors to use video to help tell the story. In doing exploratory or innovative practical work, things do not always go to plan. You may augment the presentation with additional material including videos or exhibit a demo during the conference days.

At this stage, we would encourage PowerPoint submissions to be kept succinct and help us to understand what you would like to present, rather than providing the whole presentation itself. If successful, you will have the opportunity to prepare a richer set of content for the event and we will provide format guidelines and offer suggestions on how to maximize its impact.


At the Conference

Accepted proposals for talks will be presented in the form of industry talks with a duration of 10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions & interaction, using the submitted presentation as a basis.

As an Industry agent or practitioner, you will be offered the opportunity to have a demo for exhibitions, demos and networking during the conference 13-14 June, 2024.

After the Conference

Your accepted presentation slides will be published in the conference adjunct proceedings (e.g. Figshare), not indexed in the ACM Digital Library.

Talk, Demo, or Both

You can choose between applying for both an Industry talk and a demo, or just for a talk or a demo. Industry talks and exhibitions will happen during the same day, but will not overlap in time.


The acceptance of an Industry talk and/or Exhibition Demo will require the registration of at least one of the representatives of the company / organization.

Become a Sponsor?

The interested companies / organizations will also have the opportunity to become a sponsor of the conference. Some of them include the registration to the conference! Contact our general chairs for more details:

ACM's Publication Policy

Industry Chairs​

For further details on scope, submission route or any other issues, please get in touch with the Industry Chairs at: 

Gunilla Berndtsson

Gunilla Berndtsson

(Ericsson Research)
Oskar Juhlin

Oskar Juhlin

(Stockholm University & University of Bergen)​
Marta Orduna

Marta Orduna

(eXtended Reality Lab (XR Lab), Nokia)
Heloisa Candello

Heloisa Candello

IBM Research